Manhunt is the Modern Electric Computer Detective Game. The idea of the game is that there had been crime committed. Players of the game are detectives assigned to finding the criminal. Just as real detectives would, you visit the crime seen to collect any evidence you might find. This includes interviewing any witnesses, searching the crime lab for any possible clues and do some under-cover research of your own. The computer comes in to handy because you use it to verify information from all your sources, including potential informants, stake-outs and phone-taps. There is a punch card Scanner that programs what you discover to narrow your suspects down to one culprit who could have committed the crime so that you can make the right arrest.You could either team up as partners and versus each or it was every detective for themselves.
Milton Bradley designed this game to solve crime like real-life detectives would using all the modern-technology of the time combined with their own knowledge. They allow you to choose the type of crime committed between, a "Murder" case, "Robbery" or even a "Swindle" investigation. The game comes with a "Readout" book that has complete information on every one of the 48 criminals that have been programmed in the Computer. A winner of the game is determined by who comes up with that last final clue to figure out who had done the crime. If they guess the wrong criminal, they are eliminated from the game as the remaining players try to make the arrest.
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