We are just starting out on what we hope will be a long journey of discovery. Only 8% of the computers in our collection and 3% of the documents have been entered into our database. If you have an interest in research and writing...give us a call at 610-388-5856 and volunteer or write us at volunteers@TheComputerChurch.org.
1922--1985 (Analogs are in green. Mechanials are in red.) Only a few are published, you can link to them by using the "decade" search box above. Soon we will also link the names in the list below.
Thanks to Colleen, Carol and Austin who helped out putting together IKEA shelving, setting up a new display, moving items around, and sweeping.
Thanks to Carol and Greg for moving things around and getting organized.
Thanks to Pat and Stephanie for wonderful landscaping in the back; mulching and chopping and weeding and other outdoor stuff.
Pennsylvania Computer & Technology Museum is proud to display the one of the world's largest collections of vintage computers. The "EarlyComputers Collection" spans the first 150 years of computing...from the 1830's to the 1980's and contains over 200 personal computers along with hundreds of vintage books, magazines and rare documents. The collection also contains over 35 Analog Computers, a type of computer that pre-dates our digital age.
We are currently preparing The Computer Church to display some of the most interesting items in the collection. We are also in the process of setting up a Research Library and we are continuing to work on adding new information to this website.
We are looking for volunteers to work with us in creating displays, developing educational materials, doing conservation work on the computers,
helping with general maintenance of the building, conducting research, and the list goes on. If you have any interest in volunteering, please either email us at
volunteers@TheComputerChurch.org or call us at 610-388-5856.
In addition to extensive pictures, we will, whenever possible, try to place each computer within the larger context of technology, culture, economics and aesthetics...to give you the personal story.