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 YEAR: July 1956
 ITEM: Periodical
RARITY: Not rare   Click here for further information on our rarity scale Information on the rarity of this item is unknown.

Massachusetts Instittute of Technology Bulletin 1956

Academic catalog (both undergraduate and graduate) of majors, courses, faculty, and staff for M.I.T. Ths is the second of two catalogs owned by "J. Stone". We received this item from Tamar Stone his daughter in NYC.

There was no separate computer department at this time but under the Electrical Engineering Department we found three graduate courses related to computers. The department was renamed the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department in 1975. There does not seem to be much difference between this and the 1955 catalog with regard to computing except that, oddly enough, the department seems to have dropped a computing course from the previous year. The course that was dropped was 6.537 DIGITAL COMPUTER APPLICATIONS PRACTICE (see related items).

Below are two courses that were being offered in 1956:

6.535 INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL COMPUTER CODING AND LOGIC (A) Survey of principles of logical design and of the elements of coding programs for large-scale digital computers, discussed from the user's point of view. Brief description of the logical structure of digital computers operating at M.I.T. and elsewhere.... Execution on the M.I.T. Whirlwind I computer of examples discussed in class to provide first-hand experience with automatic high-speed machines.

6.538 ELECTRONIC COMPUTATIONAL LABORATORY (A) Study of the basic principles of digital computers by experiments on the following equipment: card punches, sorters, accounting machines, electronic calculator, and the card programmed calculator. Actual programming and operations of a digital computer by the solution of several problems on the Card Programmed Calculator. Type 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator, and the Type 704 Electronic Calculator...

Related Items
      Related Item 1: Massachusetts Instittute of Technology Bulletin 1955

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