The Osborne Executive Guides are split into four volumes containing everything the user needs to know about the Osborne Executive. The Osborne Executive was the planned predecessor of the already commercially successful Osborne 1 which was a portable computer by Osborne Computer Corporation. The Executive was a collection of the best features from the Osborne 1 along with the correction of the Osborne's flaws.
The Executive came with application software. The WordStar word processor, SuperCalc spreadsheet and the CBASIC and MBASIC programming languages were all included with the Executive. Having these top of the line software allowed Osborne Computer Corporation to market the Executive for $2,495 which is equivalent to $6,276 today.
These guides enabled you to gain the knowledge on all things dealing with the Osborne Executive. The first volume was Mastering the Osborne Executive, which was essentially an explanation of all the Executive's functions. Volume 2 was Working with Text and Spreadsheets, so this informed the user on inserting and cursor movement, deleting text, block commands, how to find and replace, the on-screen layout, special lettering and print controls. Volume 3 is Managing Information with Personal Pearl. This volume explained the Personal Pearl Package and the required hardware to use the package. Volume 4 consisted of how to navigate the Operating Systems of the Executive.
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