Electric Analog Computer Primer was written to present the fundamentals of analog computation as simply as possible so that the reader who is not educated in electronics, but has some sort of acquaintance with differential equations, is able to understand use analog computers. The book includes a review of circuit theory, electronics and the application of these subjects to analog computers for those who could have been interested. The book examines the operations that can be performed with analog computers. As well as time and magnitude scaling presented and illustrated by the writers' own examples. The book identifies a problem, scales it and then programmed it to show the application of the techniques previously learned. Lastly, the book goes over four types of commercially available computers at the time, describing them in detail.
The Heathkit Model EC-1 Educational Analog Computer is manufactured by the Heath Company. The computer was selling for $199.95 at the time, which would be $1,602 today, discounting the computer for educational purposes.
The Donner Model 3400 analog computer is one of the computers manufactured by the Donner Division of Systron-Donner Corporation. This powerful computer was going for $3,000 upon its release, making it cost a whopping $24,157 in today's world. Unlike the Heathkit Model EC-1, Systron-Donner did not offer educational discounts.
Applied Dynamics, Inc., produced an extensive line of analog computers. Their smallest one, the AD-2-24PB was going to cost you $9,000 at the time of 1965. We see that translate to $72,471 today due to inflation. However they were generous enough to include a discount for educational insitutions
The PACE TR-20 analog computers is made by Electronic Associates, Inc. The Basic TR-20 was going to cost buyers $4,350 with an educational discount included. We see that price equal to $35,027 today.
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