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 YEAR: 1970
 ITEM: Digital Computer
 COMPANY: Limrose Electronics
 COUNTRY: England
RARITY: Exceedingly Rare   Click here for further information on our rarity scale Information on the rarity of this item is unknown.

Compukit 1 Deluxe Model

A view of the vintage Compukit 1 Deluxe Model an important part of computer history

Like the Standard Model Compukit 1, the Deluxe Model is one of the earliest personal computers sold to the public. Based on our research, only the Comspace 650 is older.

The Deluxe Model was the nicer version of the Compukit 1. Despite the Compukit name, the Deluxe Model was not a kit, it came pre-assembled in a wooden case (the brochure called it a "handsome cabinet"). The Deluxe Model included its very own power source...a 4.5 volt battery...and an very handy on/off switch.

The Deluxe Model came with 8 Nand gates (two 3-input Nand gates and six 2-input Nand gates) and 8 Nor gates (two 3-input Nor gates and six 2-input Nor gates).

The inventor of the Compukit 1, Dr. Ravi Raizada, taught at universities and obviously had experience with students. The addendum states, "The electonics in Compukit 1 Deluxe Model is 'student proof' and will not normally get damaged due to accidental incorrect patching, provided that the recommneded 4.5 volt battery, or equivalent, is used. (The emphasis is his.)

One of the most common questions we get when someone sees a computer from this era is, "But what could you do with them?" The Compukit was intended to be a teaching computer but it could be used to solve problems. That instruction manual that came with the Compukit 1 included problems such as how to construct a coincidence circuit, how to create parallel comparators and how to verify DeMorgan's Laws among others. The addendum for the Deluxe Model did not contain any new "exercies/problems". However, the addendum did point out that "many more circuits can of course be constructed by the imaginative student and teacher". And that also sounds like a writer who knows his students.

You can click on the link to see the Compukit 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSEMBLY AND USE. My guess is that the instructions for the Compukit 1 and the Compukit 1 Deluxe Model were exactly the same. The only difference is that the Deluxe Model had an addendum that was undated and entitled "Notes on Compukit 1 Deluxe Model and How to Use it". This one page, one-sided addendum was simply inserted into the last page of the instruction manual. Our copy was simply dated 1970, it came with the deluxe model described above, and had the addendum.

Related Items
      Related Item 1: Compukit 1

      Related Item 2: Compukit 2 Brochure

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Click on any of the images below to see the slideshow.
The Deluxe Model came fully assembled. The On/Off switch is located on the right side. Close up of the center of the board. Close up of the center of the board just to the right. Close up of Input Register switches in upper left corner. Close up of Output Register lights in upper right corner. A small View of the pre-assembled transisters. The bottom of the Compukit 1 Deluxe Model. Inside the Compukit 1 Deluxe Model The underside of the input register switches. Discoloration of the wood where the battery was located. The inside of the bottom piece showing the battery supports.